The Ghost Mantis Eagle-mouthed Clan had finally seized the opportunity when the Dragon Clan's secret realm space fluctuations were abnormal, and they took advantage of the situation to break through the opponent's protective formation.,This impending doom of the tribe's annihilation, though tragic, allowed the desolate aura of this Blood Dragon Formation to reach its peak. Buzz! The austere blood color and chillingly solemn air swept forth, crashing into the thousands of Ghost Mantis-Winged Beasts at the front. They were directly overwhelmed, their spirits shattered, then cleaved in two by the subsequent onslaught of blades and swords, all while the dragon clan remained unscathed.,"Many thanks, Chieftain. If the chieftain gives an order, I will follow it without hesitation." ManShou was overwhelmed with emotion and repeatedly thanked the other party.。